My Ragna Addiction
I'm back with the Ragna Addiction. ^_^
It's been years since I last played Ragnarok. Back then it was a pay-to-play version, but it gets really expensive once you take it seriously. And I'm not going to spend thousands of my money just to play this game.
I had once got a copy of the offline version of Ragnarok. It was nice, I can warp here and there, I can have the best items I could never get with the online version. The only problem is I am the only one playing in the Ragna World. There's no one I can talk to. No persons to trade items with. No party while hunting bosses in Ragnarok. It was just lonely.
Then I heard that there are private servers for this game. They have increased experiences gained when fighting enemies. There are other people you can socialize with. I can also have the best items since most of the enemies drop a lot of items. Some for zeny and others for equips. The private server I'm talking about is DarkRO. They even have classes that were taken from Star Wars. @_@
Unfortunately my PC broke down and my hard drive was broken. It was years from then that I stopped playing RO.
But now, I'm back in the game. My brother had downloaded another private server of the game. This time it's MyRO. Currently I have a priest, a soul linker, a TK kid, a sniper, and an alchemist.
My favorite class in RO and in any game, online, offline or RPG is an archer and with MyRO, already transcended my hunter to be a sniper, a blitzer or falconer. It was fun.
But it couldn't get much exciting with the alchemist. Having a homunculus was great. My homun was much stronger than I am. Fast attack rate, Insanely high defence, and Insanely large health. A tanker homun. All I had to to is to sit down and watch my homun kill all the enemies. @_@
Currently, I'm trying to get it to level 99 so I can transcend to Creator. heheeh Wish me luck.
hi cis,
i have posted the cellphone number of Ryan un technician nag entertain sa akin (^_^)