
My Portfolio Updates

Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Leave a Comment

At last, after many months of thinking and making the design for my portfolio, it is nearly finished finished. I'm not really good with designing. Hope that will change soon, it's just so difficult to come up with a design.

There's so many things that enters my mind and yet it just doesn't fit at all. Everything just doesn't fall into place. I envy those people who can easily create a design for a website or a blog. Where do they get these kinds of ideas. amf!

I'm trying to get into the trend these days. How do they start in designing? How do they know that this effect goes well with that effect and in the total layout? So many questions, so little time.

Anyway, I hope I can finish my portfolio website soon. It's been pending for almost half a year now.. hehehe

And also, I hope that I get good tasks at the office. Submitting articles is just not appropriate for an IT graduate who wants to improve his skills in web design and web development.